Google+ LeRoi Poet - A Poet For You: Finding Herself Notes

Finding Herself Notes

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I'm from an area where there are many distractions in life, hampering us youngsters from developing into fine young adults. When coupled with the issue outlined in this poem, life gets hard and your individuality suffers.

1. This is the first proper poem I ever wrote 4 years ago.
2. I had a dream about this friend the night before I wrote the poem, I just had a weird urge to write it out.
3. Finally... It's based on a true story. I haven't spoken to the girl (Young lady now) in a while, but I hope if she ever reads this and this is to anyone in a similar situation too:

Keep up the hard work, there is a better future in store for you. Life is hard, but you, your soul is strong enough to overcome all tests. Don't conform to what society tells you, be unique, dream big and trust me, you will blossom into something beautiful.

Thanks again for reading my poems and notes

Find more of my poems to the left :) +LeRoi Poet 


  1. Good poem. Nice subject matter.

  2. Thanks Pepper! Just one of many issues present in the world we live in.

  3. I love this, so powerful! More people, mainly young females like me need to see this! Thanks for sharing Leroi Poet!!

  4. Thank-you, I hope I can reach and inspire more people with my writings!

  5. Nice poem, powerful message.

  6. Thanks Charlene! Its the only way, Whats the point of writing with no meaning?

  7. That's a great poem! I really love your rhyming style! All the Best for your blog! :)

  8. Thanks for good wishes and comment, happy you liked it =D

  9. This was very inspirational and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.
